Obedience frequently means stepping out in faith and trusting in God’s provision vs. our own understanding. We have established an ambitious vision that we strongly believe in, but know we can’t do alone. We appreciate you considering walking alongside us in helping drive deeper connection and increased impact within Christ’s collective Church.


Please consider praying—for us to fully submit to God’s calling, and trust Him in all we do. For our work to always point back to loving God, and loving others. To be bold in our mission, and always prioritize God’s truths over the comforts of this world. To encourage all we come in contact with to measure success by God’s standard alone. To provide for our organization and make our paths straight as He sees fit.


Nothing helps spread the word like old-fashioned “word of mouth” communication. And to make it easier to share Nulight with others (including your own church), we’ve built a brief overview of Nulight services to share.